Weekend Bants

Hey Guys,

Hope you had a fabulous weekend. I thought to do a weekend post so as to take a break from my 'soul-searching' posts which I have been doing for a couple of months now.

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Hey Guys,

Today I decided to do a different type of post apart from my musings lately. I have been playing some songs on repeat (all thanks to YouTube). I feel these songs just take me to that place of worship where I am alone with my creator communing, you know that feeling you get when you are having a heart to heart with your dad, that is how I feel.

Do You rush to save Face?

Hey Guys,

How are you and hope your weekend was fab. I didn't get to do much this weekend due to the weather and this recent thing plaguing me called "Sleep". When it rains, it just become sweeter and I take it as a sign to snuggle in bed as long as I can. *rollmyeyes*.

Image result wey dey for i love sleep gif