Hairfinity and Meeeeeeee!!!

In my pursuit for longer, healthier hair, I read that taking hair vitamins can also contribute significantly to achieving my goals.

Olumo Rock - Abeokuta Living

I recently did a road trip with my friend Tayo and some friends to Abeokuta.

It was quite an enjoyable trip if you back out the horrendous traffic encountered *side eye*.

Stint with Finger Coils

Recently, I have been carrying my hair out since I did not feel the need to make braids or weaves. I thought about trying the finger coils after seeing how that of the Kink and I's turned out.

I must say that it can be a time consuming style to do (it took me 2.5 hours to complete), so it is best to start in the morning so you have the rest of the day for your hair to dry up.

Update on Twistouts - TWA

Hey Guys,

How was your week been? Mine has been stressful and I thank God for the up-coming holidays. Is it me or what? Can not wait to rest and sleep. *yippee*

I told you about the twist out I did on my TWA with perm rods and as indicated the curls stay longer.